Intel bija apbalvojis ASBIS divas reizes par mātes plates  ienākumu palielināšanu Krievijā

Intel’s apbalvojums ASBIS par augstāko mātes plates ienākumu palielināšanu 2007.gadā

ASBIS has been honoured by Intel

ASBIS has been honoured by Intel with two awards in recognition of highest motherboard revenue growth demonstrated in 2007 in Russia, CIS and CEE regions.

The awards were presented by Intel representatives Maurits Tichelman, Director, Sales & Distribution, Reseller Channel Operations EMEA, and Maan Ahmadie, Distribution Sales & Marketing Manager, Reseller Channel Operations EMEA at the Distributor Enabling Conference held in Monaco in early March. The awards were thankfully accepted by Anna Kiyavina, ASBIS’ product line manager for Intel motherboards. The new awards recognize ASBIS’ success in Intel motherboards distribution. The revenue growth in this segment amounted to 93 per cent in Russia and the CIS, and 35 per cent in Central and Eastern Europe. The most impressive results have been achieved by ASBIS entities in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan which almost doubled their Intel motherboard business beating their own record of 70 per cent the year before. The new awards add up to the impressive total of 19 awards issued to ASBIS by its long-standing partner Intel since the beginning of cooperation in 1998.