Intel bija apbalvojis ASBIS par augstākajiem sasniegumiem dažādu veidu serveru ienākumiem starp visiem izplatītājfirmam Centralajā un Austrum Eiropā, 2006.gada 1.ceturksnī.

ASBIS received the award ‘For Achieving the Highest Mix of Server Revenue of All Distributors in Central and Eastern Europe in Q1, 2006’. The award was presented by Richard Peel, Intel Distribution Sales and Marketing Manager, EMEA, at Disti Sales Conference in Lisbon at the end of April 2006. This is the 15th award received by ASBIS from Intel since 1998.

About Intel

Intel Corporation is the world's largest semiconductor company and the inventor of the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in many personal computers. Founded in 1968 as Integrated Electronics Corporation and based in Santa Clara, California, USA, Intel also makes motherboard chipsets, network cards and ICs, flash memory, graphic chips, embedded processors, and other devices related to communications and computing. Founded by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, Intel combines advanced chip design capability with a leading-edge manufacturing capability.